outcomes p. 45

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question English réponse English
to be through sth
I've been going through a bad patch recently
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to experience a difficult situation
get over something
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feel better after dealing with a problem
go down
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to be full of himself
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to be self center
talking of sth
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speaking of sth
to be prone to something
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to have tendency
tread on somebody toes
I know he's very proud, and I don't want to tread on his toes in any way.
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offend or annoy somebody, especially by getting involved in something that is their responsibility
be in hand
The reservation has been in hand.
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being worked, done
do without sth
I couldn't do without candies.
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to manage, work successfully without having something
have to much on
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have a lot to deal with
to be on top of sth
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have things under control
by the way
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used to introduce a new subject
to burst out
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to explode
a home from home
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feel like at home

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