orientacja w terenie

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przez ulice
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across the street
wzdluz rzeki
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along the river
zapytac kogos o droge
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ask the way
ookazac droge
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show the way
prxejsc orzez most
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cross the bridge
zgubic sie
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get lost
isc na polnoc
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go north
isc na poludnie
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go to south
isc na wschod
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go east
osc na zachod
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go west
przejść obok /
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walk by/ go past
isc prosto
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go straight
na polnocy
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in the north
na poludniu
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in the south
na wschodzie
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in the east
na zachodzie
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in the West
na rogu
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on the corner
po lewej / prawej stronie
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on the left / right side
w kierunku
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skrecic w lewo w prawo
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turn left right
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turn back/round
drugi skręt w lewo
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take the second turning on the left
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an airport
moejsce orzy przejsciu
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aisle seat
przylot przyjazd
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przyjechac na lotnisko
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arrive at the airport
prxyjechac do londynu
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arrive in London
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wejsc na poklad samolotu
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board the plane/get on the plane
karta pokladowa
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boarding pass
zarezerwować tani bilet, lot tanią liną
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book a low-cost ticket
złapać lot
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catch a flight
odjezdzac z
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depart from
odlot odjazd
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kiejsxe docelowe
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zejsc z pokladu
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prowadzic autokar
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drive a bus/ couch
prowadzic ciezarowke
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drive a truck, a lorry
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a driver
strefa bezcłowa
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a duty free zone
oplata za orzejazd
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zapiac pasy
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fasten your seatbelts
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a ferry
pilotowac samolot
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fly a plane
leciec samolotem
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fly by/ on plane
wysiadac z samolotu
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get off the plane
wsiadax do samolotu
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get on the plane
utknac w korku
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get stuck in a traffic jam
plynac łodzią
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go by boat
jechac autobusem
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to go by bus
leciec samolotem
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go by plane
podrozowac kolejka pociagiem
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go by rail / train
wybrac sie na orzejazdzke
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go for a ride
wyruszyc w rejs
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go on a cruise
isc pieszo
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go on foot
wybrac sie na wycieczke
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go for a trip/ go on an excursion
przejsc odprawe celna
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go through customs
podreczny bagaz
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hand luggage
plan podróży/trasa i lista miejsc do zwiedzenia
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jet off
zmęczenie spowodowane różnicą czasu
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jet lag
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to land
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srodek transportu
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means of transport
spoźnic sie na autobus pociag
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miss the bus train
spoznic sie na lot/samolot
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be late for flight / plane
obsluga na pokladxie samolotu
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on board service
szafka pod sufitem samolotu
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overhead locker
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a pilot
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odprawa priorytetowa
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priority check-in
bilet w obie strony
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return ticket
jezdzic rowerem
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ride a bicycle
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a rucksack
bilet w jedną stronę
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single ticket
stacja dworzec
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a suitcase
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take off
postoj taksowek
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Taxi stop/ rank
kasa biletowa
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ticket office
rozkład jazdy
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a timetable
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a tourist guide
podróżować dookoła świata
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travel around tge world
plynac łodzią
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travel by boat
podróżować autobusem
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travel by bus
leciec samolotem
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travel by plane
podrozowac kolejka pociagiem
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travel by train/rail
podrozowac droga morska
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travel by sea
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an underground
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mijesce prxy oknie
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window seat

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