Opisywanie ludzi i przedmiotów

 0    34 fiche    grzegorzharpula
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question réponse
broda (zarost)
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beard (stubble)
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niebieskie oczy
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blue eyes
długie nogi
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long legs
krótkie palce
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short fingers
jasne włosy
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fair hair
kręcone włosy
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curly hair
wysoki chłopak
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tall boy
niska dziewczyna
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short girl
On jest średniego wzrostu
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He is of medium height
młody mężczyzna
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young man
stara kobieta
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old woman
Mój tato nie jest szczupły. On jest gruby.
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My dad is not slim. He's fat.
Moja koleżanka jest piegowata
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My friend has freckles
Mój nauczyciel jest korpulentny
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My teacher is plump
Jesteś niegrzeczny.
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You are naughty.
Karol jest wysportowany.
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Karol is sporty.
Moja mama jest mądra.
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My mother is smart.
Jestem sprytny.
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I'm clever.
On jest taki cichy.
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He's so quiet.
Mateusz jest niezawodny
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Mateusz is reliable
Jak wyglądasz?
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How do you look like?
Jaki jesteś?
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What are you like?
Jaka ona jest?
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How is she like?
Co ona lubi?
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What does she like?
Czego on nie lubi?
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What does he not like?
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appearance, look
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a human being
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tak zwany
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so called
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czuć się zagubionym
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to feel lost

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