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uroczystość zakończenia studiów commencer à apprendre
his parents will be joining him at his graduation ceremony tomorrow
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She got a scholarship to the college.
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It is used as a conference venue and lecture theatre.
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np. magisterska She's writing a dissertation on American poetry.
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There's accommodation for about five hundred students on campus.
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the study of English literature
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She's cramming for her history exam.
zdawać egzamin poprawkowy commencer à apprendre
If you fail these exams, you can resit them next year.
zdać z wynikiem pozytywnym commencer à apprendre
He's done very well, he passed with flying colours!
commencer à apprendre
I pulled an all-nighter last night.
commencer à apprendre
I learnt the song off by heart.
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He was very old-school in his approach to management.
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His sister is a real bookworm.
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One candidate stood out from the rest.
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He's a nice guy, always ready to go the extra mile for his friends.
phrasal commencer à apprendre
She was over the moon about/with her new bike.
nudny, przyprawiający mdłości commencer à apprendre
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zachwycający, oszałamiający commencer à apprendre
zobowiązanie, zaangażowanie commencer à apprendre
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Extra lighting would make a worthwhile contribution to road safety
commencer à apprendre
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not intr... commencer à apprendre
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infrastruktura, obiekty, udogodnienia commencer à apprendre
empiryczny, doświadczalny commencer à apprendre
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w sytuacji gdy... commencer à apprendre
noszący commencer à apprendre
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kiedy przyszło co do czego... Kiedy doszło do kryzysu, byłem zbyt zdenerwowany, by zaprosić ją na randkę. commencer à apprendre
When it came to the crunch, I was too nervous to ask her for a date.
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wstępny, próbny, niepewny commencer à apprendre
cesja, zadanie do wykonania commencer à apprendre
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data graniczna, ostateczny termin commencer à apprendre
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Rozumiem twój punkt widzenia commencer à apprendre
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niemniej jednak, jednakże commencer à apprendre
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to pass with flying colors
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nie posiadać się ze szczęścia
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His application stood out from all the rest.
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co dwa tygodnie
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bez need commencer à apprendre
He has got what it takes to make a good officer.
Bardo, ogromnie, niezmiernie commencer à apprendre
zaimponować, zrobić wrażenie commencer à apprendre
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być czymś zainteresowanym, lubić coś commencer à apprendre
He is really into classical music.
beznadziejny, zniechęcający commencer à apprendre
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