online learning

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question réponse
zadawać pracę/zadania do zrobienia
commencer à apprendre
set appropriate tasks
The teacher’s role is to set appropriate tasks, to moderate discussions and to provide feedback.
nadzorować dyskusję
commencer à apprendre
moderate discussions
dostarczać opinię zwrotna
commencer à apprendre
provide feedback
przeprowadzić samouczki online
commencer à apprendre
conduct online tutorials
Teachers can also conduct online tutorials.
prowadzacy i studenci
commencer à apprendre
staff and students
MS Teams is software that allows staff and students to interact.
angażować uczniów do wspólnej pracy
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involve students working together
zapewnić kursy online
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provide online courses
Software that allows staff and student to interact, provides students with online courses, involve students working together making contribution to an online discussion.
przekazać zadania
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hand in assignments
Ms Teams allows students to hand in essays and other assignments.
pogłębiać zrozumienie tematu
commencer à apprendre
build up understanding of the topic
Ms Teams is software that allows staff and students to interact, hand in essays and other assignments, to involve students working together and to make contribution to moderated by a teacher discussions that build up understanding of the topic.
instytucja akademicka
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academic institution
It’s a system where students study at home using materials sent by the academic institution.
commencer à apprendre
make connections
Teachers keep gentle control on learners by asking questions and encouraging them to make connections.
komentować pracę uczniów
commencer à apprendre
comment on students’ work
Keep control on learners by comment on students’ work.
prowadzić zajęcia
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teach sessions
Besides conducting online tutorials university staff teach sessions for individuals or small group of students.
a course that combines both online and face-to-face teaching and learning
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hybrid/blended course
take a hybrid course/do a course
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enrol on a hybrid course
grupa dyskusyjna online
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online discussion group
Online discussion group managed through a software program - each message or contribution is sent to a common email then forwarded to all members
wspólny e-mail
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common email
lista mailingowa
zbiór nazwisk i adresów używanych przez osobę fizyczna lub organizację do wysyłania materiałów do wielu odbiorców
commencer à apprendre
a mailing list
forum dyskusyjne
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discussion forum
participle/take part in a discussion forum
enter your username
commencer à apprendre
commencer à apprendre
a thread
contribute to a thread/start a new thread/follow a thread
wielkie i małe litery
commencer à apprendre
upper and lower case letters
założyć konto
commencer à apprendre
set up the account
wielkie i małe litery
commencer à apprendre
upper and lower case letters
zapisz się na listę
commencer à apprendre
subscribe to a list
opublikuj wiadomość na liście
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post a message to a list
opuścić listę odbiorców
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unsubscribe from a list
uczyć się online
commencer à apprendre
study online
badanie twarzą w twarz
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face-to-face study
podstawowe środki komunikacji
commencer à apprendre
primary means of communication
wirtualne środowisko uczenia się
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virtual learning environment
rozwiązywać quizy online
commencer à apprendre
take quizzes online
commencer à apprendre
obszary dyskusji
commencer à apprendre
discussion areas
commencer à apprendre
linki do lektur
commencer à apprendre
links to readings
przesyłać zlecenia drogą elektroniczną
commencer à apprendre
submit assignments electronically
wspólnie wykonany, wspólny
commencer à apprendre
It was a collaborative challenge/effort for all students.
wysyłajcie sobie nawzajem wiadomości
commencer à apprendre
post messages for each other
współpracować, aby tworzyć wiedzę
commencer à apprendre
work together to construct knowledge
wirtualne sale lekcyjne
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virtual classrooms
tradycyjne kursy na odległość
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traditional distance courses
o wiele mniej
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much less
społeczność internetowa
commencer à apprendre
online community
develop a sense of being part of an online community and feel much less isolated than they might in traditional distance courses

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