On PiS and other Issues

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question réponse
The two patriots will need to vacate their seats
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members of parliament
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członkowie parlamentu
a judge
After hearing the case the judge passed the verdict.
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sędzia / sędzina
Po rozpoznaniu sprawy sędzia wydał werdykt.
Supreme Court
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Sąd Najwyższy
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the court chamber
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izba sądu
to maintain power
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utrzymać władzę
Annul the court
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Unieważnić sąd
to close the court
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zamknąć sąd
At the end of the day
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Pod koniec dnia
PiS party created chamber
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Partia PiS stworzyła izbę
It is a parallel reality
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To równoległa rzeczywistość
unfair trial
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niesprawiedliwy proces
miscarriage of justice
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pomyłka sądowa
they are political pawns
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są pionkami politycznymi
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Political scientists
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blatant corruption
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rażąca korupcja
He was coining it
He was coining it - he was making a lot of money
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On to wymyślał
Just around the corner
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Tuż za rogiem
Core voters
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Trzon wyborców
moderate voters
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umiarkowanych wyborców
EU doesn't need instability
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UE nie potrzebuje niestabilności

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