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question réponse
A bargain
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Un affare
It's a real bargain!
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È un vero affare!
Prawdziwa, prawda
Vero/a, la verità
The price is a real bargain
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Il prezzo è un vero affare
That house was the real deal
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Quella casa era un vero affare
It's incredible, but true
Nie do wiary, ale prawdziwe
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È incredibile, ma vero
It's not true?
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Non è vero?
If it was true
Zeby to byla prawda
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Fosse vero
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For me without sugar please
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Per me senza zucchero per favore
Without whipped cream, thanks
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Senza panna, grazie
Bita smietana
Panna montata
Without garlic
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Senza aglio
Without parsley
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Senza prezzemolo
The Fungi
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I fungi
All clear?
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Tutto chiaro?
Let me explain
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Mi lasci/ lasciarmi spiegare
Spiegare- wyjasnic
Lasciare- lascio, lasci, lascia, lasciamo, lasciate, lasciano
I cross my fingers for you
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Incrocio le dita per te
Rece, nogi
Incrociare - le braccia, gambe
See you soon!
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A presto!
See you later!
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A più tardi!
Until next time!
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Alla prossima!
See you later!
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A dopo!
I'm fine, thanks, I'm not well today
Come stai?
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Sto benissimo, grazie, oggi non sto bene
I don't feel well today, I have to stay in bed
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Non mi sento bene oggi, devo stare a letto
Drink a coffee/have a coffee
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Bere un caffè/prendere un caffè
She is not pleased
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Lei non è contenta
Nie jest zadowoloma
This is the truth
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Questa è la verità
Damn, that hurt
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Percoddio che male
Perco dio! Wulgaryzm
crime story/film
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Il film giallo/ d'azione
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Red Arrow
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I'm from Krakow
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Vengo da Cracovia/ Sono di Cracovia
I'm here on holiday
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Sono qui in vacanza
I'm here for work reasons
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Sono qui per motivi di lavoro
Motivi di
I study Italian
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Studio l'Italiano
Who is this girl?
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Chi è questa ragazza?
She is Luca's girlfriend
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È la fidanzata di Luca
Where are you from?
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Di dove sei?/ Di dov’è?
Why are you in Italy?
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Perchè sei in Italia?
I'm in Italy for the first time
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Sono in Italia per la prima volta
I'm happy to be in Rome
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Sono felice di essere a Roma
Cieszyc sie z
Felice di
I am angry
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Sono arrabbiato/a
I'm lucky
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Sono fortunata/o
I am busy
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Sono impegnata
I'm very tired
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Sono molto stanca
What’s your address?
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Qual è il tuo indirizzo?
I live in
Mieszkam na ulicy
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Abito in via
Mieszkam na ulicy
My address is street
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Il mio indirizzo è via
what is your e-mail address?
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Qual è il tuo indirizzo e-mail?
Are you present on IG?
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Sei presente su IG?
Masz instagram
Yes, I am present
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Si sono presente
Are there any aubergines?
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Ci sono le melanzane?
There are many problems
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Ci sono tanti problemi
What is going on?
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Che c'è?
Co sie dzieje, co jest, o co chodzi
Nothing, I'm very tired
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Niente, sono molto stanca
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lo stipendio
The mind
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La mente
Nothing comes to mind
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Non mi viene in mente niente
The head
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La testa
To get an idea out of sb's/ones's head
wybij sobie to z glowy
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Levatelo dalla testa!
Levarsi dalla testa, da + la dalla
How's your new car?
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Come sta andanto la tua nuova macchina
I still have to choose
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Devo ancora scegliere
I'm going to eat soon
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Fra poco vado a mangiare
"Thank God!"
Na szczescie, jak dobrze
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Meno male!
Its good you're here
Jak dobrze ze jestes
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Meno male che ci sei tu
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I understood everything straight away
Zrozumialem szybko, w lot
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Ho capito tutto al volo
It does not matter!
Nic nie szkodzi
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Non fa niente!
Nothing happened
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Non è successo niente
I'm glad
cieszę się, doceniam, miło
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Mi fa piacere
Do you want?
Masz ochote?
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Ti va di?
Si, mi va, non mi va
Ti va di + bezokolicznik
Come on!
No cos ty!
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Ma dai!
let it go
Daj spokoj
Lasciare stare
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Ma lascia stare
= Ma dai
What a pity!
Jaka szkoda
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Che peccato!
Non posso venire con te stasera
It's a fluke
Ale fart, ale szczescie
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Che culo!
A lot
Duzo, doslownie worek
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Un sacco
Are you crazy?
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Ma sei scemo?
Are you sure?
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Sei sicuro?
Drive safely
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Guidare in sicurezza
Guida con prudenza
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Sapore, gusto
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Not very sweet
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Poco dolce
Smooth ascent/descent
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Salita/disceza dolce
Smooth movement
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Movimento dolce, non brusco, non rapido
A sweet memory
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Un dolce ricordo
A sweet hug
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Un dolce abbracia
Do you want dessert too?
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Vuoi/ Vuole anche il dolce?
What's your favourite dessert?
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Qual è il tuo dolce preferito?
Sweet doing nothing
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Dolce far niente
Make sweet eyes
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Fare gli occhi dolci
Home Sweet Home
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Casa dolce casa
Sweet like honey
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Dolce come il miele
sei dolce come il miele
Could you help me?
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Mi potrebbe aiutare?
I got lost
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Mi sono persa/o
I'll be at home tonight
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Stasera sto a casa
I don't eat sweets, I'm on a diet
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Non mangio i dolci, sto a dieta
You have to pay attention
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Devi stare attento/a
I'll handle that! Don't worry.
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Ci penso io! Sta' tranquillo
These are the things that are close to my heart
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Sono le cose che mi stanno a cuore
Ania is still with her parents
I miei - wystarczy, oznacza rodzice
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Ania sta ancora con i suoi
How are your parents?
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Come stanno i tuoi?
Since you've been with this girl
Od kiedy chodzisz z ta dziewczyna
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Da quando stai con questa ragazza
There are two liters in that bottle
Butelka miesci 2 litry
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In quella bottiglia ci stanno due litri
This skirt looks good on you!
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Ti sta bene questa gonna!
Here is the difficulty
Na tym polega trudnosc
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Qui sta il difficile
How things are
Jak sie maja rzeczy
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Come stanno le cose
Tomorrow we will go to the sea. Are you there?
Jutro jedziemy nad morze. Zgadzasz sie?
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Domani andiamo al mare. Ci stai?
Shut up
Badz cicho
Stare zitto
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Sta' zitto
The notebook
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Il taccuino
I'll write it down in my notebook
Zapisze to w swoim notesie
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Me lo segno nel mio taccuino
A walk, piece of cake
Spacer, bulka z maslem
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Una passegiata, è una passeggiata!
Get cold
Zawialo mnie
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Prendere un colpo d'aria
Colpo- uderzenie
Ho preso un colpo d'aria
I caught a cold
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Ho preso un colpo di freddo
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You've been snoring all night
Chrapales cala noc
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Hai russato tutta la notte
Exact, exactly
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Leccare-lizac, piedi - stopy
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Fit for me
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Ci sta!
Done deal!
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Affare fatto!
You've improved
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Sei migliorata
I did not understand. Can you repeat it slowly?
Nie zrozumialem mozesz powtorzyc wolniej
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Non ho capito. Puoi ripetere più lentamente?
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a poor guy
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un poveraccio
hai visto quel poveraccio?
How it possible
jak to możliwe, jakim cudem
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come mai?
how come you speak Italian so well
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come mai parli così bene l'italiano
how come it doesn't connection/wifi here
jak to możliwe że nie ma tu zasięgu
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come mai non prende qua
I am very fond of
bardzo lubie
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sono molto affezionato a
What's wrong with that
Co w tym zlego, co ci nie pasuje
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Che c'è di male
You got a problem?
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Hai qualche problema?
I don't have cash
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Non ho contanti
If you have time, come with us
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Se hai tempo, vieni con noi
I have no free time this weekend
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Questo fine settimana non ho tempo libero
I'm in a hurry
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Ho fretta
Avere fretta
I'm scared
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Ho paura
Avere paura/ perchè hai paura?
Yes you are right
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Si hai ragione!
Avere ragione
I'm at fault
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Ho torto
Avere torto/ Purtroppo hai torto
that's enough
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è abbastanza
that's right
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as soon as possible
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il prima possibile
I want to learn Italian
Mam ochote...
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Ho voglia di imparare l'italiano
Avere voglia di + bezokolicznik
I want to eat a pizza
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Ho voglia di mangiare una pizza
I've got a sore throat
Mam bol gardla
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Ho mal di gola
Avere mal di + czesc ciala
I have a stomach ache, a stomach ache, a head ache
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Ho mal di pancia, stomaco, testa
I'm busy
Mam cos do zrobienia
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Ho da fare

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