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first aid kid
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el botiquín
I don't feel good
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No me siento bien
You have a fever.
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Tienes fiebre.
pass the finishing line
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pasar la meta
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a cotton swab
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un hisopo de algodón
you will be fine
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estarás bien
take the fork!
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toma el tenedor.
take my hand
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Agarra mi mano
Pet the cat!
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acaricia al gato
a diaper
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un pañal
a tongue
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una lengua
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I measure the temperature
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Mido la temperatura
In the summer
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En el verano
I will do/make
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it is gone
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se fue
I have lost
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he perdido
I dig here
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cavo por acá
quiet, reserved
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I have no idea.
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No tengo ni idea. no tengo idea.
it is sunny.
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hace sól. esta soleado
it is cloudy
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está nublado
In 5 minutes
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En 5 minutos
In october
commencer à apprendre
En octubre

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