Ola 6th March

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a computer
spotkanie / wizyta
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AN appointment
ustatkować się (w życiu)
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to settle down
dyskutować o czymś
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to discuss sth
We have been discussing the possibility of working together.
dekorator wnętrz
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an interior designer
Nie jestem pewny.
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I'm not SURE.
oddzielne pokoje
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separate rooms
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a mother-in-law
zabawki Natalii i Nadii (wspólne)
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Natalia and Nadia's toys
źle wymawiać
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to mispronounce
Miałem spotkanie z projektantem wnętrz.
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I had AN appointment with AN interior designer.
nauczyciel angielskiego
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AN English teacher
Chciałbym omówić te punkty.
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I'd like to discuss THESE points.
Czy chciałbyś pójść dziś wieczorem do kina?
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Would you like to go to the cinema tonight?
One mają oddzielne pokoje.
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They have separate rooms.
My chcielibyśmy płacić osobno.
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We'd like to pay separately.
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parents-in-law / in-laws
bukiet kwiatów
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a bunch of flowers
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a kindergarTen
a nursery
urządzić imprezę
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to throw a party
to throw - threw - thrown
plany wakacyjne
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holiday plans
w połowie czerwca
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in THE middle of June
na początku sierpnia
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at the beginning of August
pod koniec września
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at the end of September
Wypuszczę psa.
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I'll let my dog out.
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a company
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comfortable / comfy
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a mattress
Moje dzieci mają w tym tygodniu wolne od szkoły.
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My kids are off school this week.
muzyka na żywo
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live music
Moje życie jest piękne.
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My life is beautiful.
To typowe dla niego, że przychodzi spóźniony
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It's typical OF him to come late
odpowiedni / odpowiednia
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Is this film appropriate for small children?
ustalać / decydować
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to settle
They haven't yet settled when the wedding is going to be.
Good, that's all settled - you send out the invitations for the party, and I'll organize the food.

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