Okresy warunkowe

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0 okres warunkowy
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if+ present Simple + present Simple. Sytuacje prawdopodobne, fakty. If the temperature is low, water freezes
1 okres warunkowy
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if+present simple+will+verb. Rzeczy, które się wydarzą jeśli warunek będzie spełniony np. If it rains we will stay home
2 okres warunkowy
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if+past simple+would+verb. Mało prawdopodobny np. If I won a lottery I would travel to Australia
3 okres warunkowy
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if+past perfect+would have+past participle. Co by było gdyby? np. If I had known him before, we would have become good friends
tryby mieszane 3 tryb z 2
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If I had been on that trip, I would have a lot of photos now. If+past perfect+would+verb
tryb 2 z 3
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If I were you, i wouldn't have talked to them yesterday. If+past simple+would have

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