Okresy literackie

 0    17 fiche    karolinalaznowska
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okresy literackie
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literary periods
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the Enlightenment/the Age of Enlightenment
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the Renaissance
literatura starożytna
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Ancient Literature
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literatura postmodernistyczna
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postmodern literature
ciemne wieki
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the Dark Ages
młoda polska
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Young Poland
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the Middle Ages
literatura współczesna (artysta jeszcze żyje)
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contemporary literature (artist still alive)
epoka wiktoriańska
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the Victorian Era
wiek rozumu
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the Age of Reason
literatura współczesna
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modern literature
literatura wojenna
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war literature
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literatura realistyczna końca XIX wieku
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late 19th-century realistic literature
okres międzywojenny
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interwar period

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