off the beaten track🗣️🔥

 0    42 fiche    dysiaczek2007
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question English réponse English
bored out of ones mind
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extremely bored
crawl into bed
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get into bed slowly because you are very tired
burst into tears
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start to cry
going to burst
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eat too much food
be (on the floor) in stitches
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laugh very hard
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feel extremely embarassed
didn’t live up to the hype
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wasn’t as good as expected
a do
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a party
be in bits
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be very emotinal, sad
was in floods of tears
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cried a lot
cause a scene
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make a public disturbance
be throught a lot
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experienced a significant number of challenging or difficult situations in their life
get over it
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accept sth that happened in the past and move on
went down well
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ppl reacted positively
full of yourself
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conceited, narcissistic
be prone to
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be likely, susceptible
it’s all in hand
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under control, well organised
could do without it
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you would prefer not to have it or it is of no benefit to you
have too much on one's plate
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to have something, usually a large amount of important work, to deal with
be on top of things
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fully in control of the situation and can react quickly if something changes
venture beyond
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go outside of
go for a dip
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a quick swim; taplać się
feel peckish
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slightly hungry
house (a collection)
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keep and display
host sb
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have sb perform
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specific, odd
embrace a huge array of
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happily accept a large variety of
a toss-up
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coin flip, 50/50
be synonymous with
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be known for
tucked up in bed
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comfortable settled
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horrible, atrocious
stately home
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at the rear
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at the bottom/back
small fortune
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big money
off the beaten track
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in the middle of nowhere
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poverty, dispossession
abrupt, steep, sheer
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stromy, pochyły
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a produce
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