oferowanie pomocy

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question réponse
pomóc ci z...?
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can I help you [verb]?
a może byśmy...?
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how about [verb]-ing?
poradzę sobie
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I think I'll be find
pomogę ci [z tym]
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I'll help you [with this]
nie trzeba
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it's OK
pozwól, bym ci z tym pomogła
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let me help you with that
nie, dzięki
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no thanks
to świetnie, dzięki
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that's great, thanks
to bardzo miłe z twojej strony
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that's really kind of you
commencer à apprendre
a może...?
commencer à apprendre
what about [verb]-ing
a może byś...?
commencer à apprendre
why don't you../

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