Objective Proficiency Unit 1

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question American English réponse American English
to ring the changes (on sth)
commencer à apprendre
to do something in a different way in order to make it more interesting
a change of heart
commencer à apprendre
to change your opinion or the way you feel about something
to busk / a busker
commencer à apprendre
to play music or sing in a public place so that the people who are there will give money
commencer à apprendre
a pale purple colour
commencer à apprendre
describes someone who is certain about what they think and believe, and who expresses their ideas strongly and often
to be made redundant
commencer à apprendre
to be told you must leave your job because you are no longer needed
to jump at
commencer à apprendre
accept (an opportunity or offer) with great eagerness.
the rest is history
commencer à apprendre
you are sure that people know what happened next
to turn up
commencer à apprendre
appear suddenly
to fall into place
commencer à apprendre
suddenly something make sense, it becomes easy and understandable (układać się)
to go downhill
commencer à apprendre
GETS WORSE/ A situation gradually becomes worse
to be on the cards
commencer à apprendre
Sth is likely to happen.
to take up with sb
commencer à apprendre
to become friendly or start a relationship with someone
to track sb / st down
commencer à apprendre
to find something or someone after looking for them in a lot of different places
to cheer sb up
commencer à apprendre
to make SB feel better
to hang around
commencer à apprendre
to wait or spend time somewhere, doing nothing (obijać się)
to end up
commencer à apprendre
To reach some conclusion, state, or situation due to a particular course of action
to come up with
commencer à apprendre
to think of; to produce. an idea / a plan / a suggestion etc
to take on
commencer à apprendre
to employ
cut back on
commencer à apprendre
to reduce
Mr Right
commencer à apprendre
the ideal men
bring about
commencer à apprendre
to cause something to happen (cause/create)
commencer à apprendre
out of the blue
commencer à apprendre
complete surprise, something happend unexpectedly
break up with someone
commencer à apprendre
end the relationship
get in with
commencer à apprendre
become friendly with someone, especially in order to gain an advantage
outlook on life/ vision
commencer à apprendre
podgląd na życie
i don't approve of
commencer à apprendre
nie pochwalam

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