Nurse Bakes Gruesomely Hyper-Realistic Desserts

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question réponse
części ciała
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body parts
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an interest IN sth
because of my interest IN anatomy
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interests (NiV)
I have many interests, e.g. cycling, fishing and cooking. (NiV)
Czym się interesujesz?
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What are you interested IN? (NiV)
I'm interested IN anatomy. (NiV)
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przyprawiający o gęsią skórkę, budzący grozę, dziwny
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a creepy film (NiV)
akceptować coś
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to embrace
This was an opportunity that he would embrace. (NiV)
I just kind of embraced who I am.
obejmować / wziąć w objęcia
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to embrace (NiV)
She embraced her son warmly.
Co z tobą nie tak?
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What is wrong with you?
problemy psychiczne
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mental problems
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a nurse
pielegniarka pracująca na cały etat
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a full-time nurse
a full-time teacher (NiV)
zaczynać od czegoś
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to start off with sth
I start off with a silicone mold.
foremka / forma
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a mold
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a freezer
włożyć coś gdzieć
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to pop sth in
If you pop the pizza in the oven now, it'll be ready in 15 minutes. (NiV)
I just pop it in the freezer.
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a flavour
jagoda / jagodowy
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humour BrE / humor AmE
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a tool
potężny / mający moc
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a powerful tool
związany z czymś / połączony z czymś
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to be tied with sth
Our whole experience as a person is tied to this meat.
ludzkie ciało
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a human body
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do NOT pronounce C in fascinating
na deser
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for dessert
do NOT confuse DESSERT with DESERT
a desert
Co jest na deser?
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What's FOR dessert? (NiV)
do NOT say ON dessert
Co na obiad?
commencer à apprendre
What's FOR lunch?
do NOT say ON lunch

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