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He eats a lot of cucumbers
Ulubionymi warzywami Ewy są pomidory. commencer à apprendre
Ewa's favorite vegetables are tomatoes.
Ulubionymi owocami Ali są ananasy. commencer à apprendre
Ali's favorite fruit are pineapples.
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What would you like to eat?
Co chciałbyś zjeść na lunch? commencer à apprendre
What would you like to eat for lunch?
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We haven't got any sugar.
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Potrzebujesz dużo makaronu. commencer à apprendre
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Jest dużo sera w lodówce. commencer à apprendre
There is a lot of cheese in the fridge.
Nie ma dużo sera w lodówce. commencer à apprendre
There is not much cheese in the fridge.
Jest dużo ciasteczek w pudełku. commencer à apprendre
There are many biscuits in the box.
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Co jest na obiad dzisiaj? commencer à apprendre
What' s for dinner today?
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There isn't any fish in the fridge.
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W misce jest trochę makaronu. commencer à apprendre
There is some pasta in the bowl.
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Potrzebuję trochę cukru do ciasta commencer à apprendre
I need some sugar for the cake
Czy mogę dostać sałatkę, proszę? commencer à apprendre
Can I have a salad, please?
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Cytryny pochodzą z Grecji commencer à apprendre
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Put the lettuce on the bread.
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Wymieszaj mąkę z jajkami. commencer à apprendre
Mix the flour with the eggs.
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I would like to eat an apple.