November 2

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question réponse
uczę się angielskich słówek
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I learn English words
nauczam moich uczniów
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I teach my students
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krótkoterminowe cele
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short-term goals
Cele długoterminowe
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long-term goals
Chcę mówić płynnie
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I want to speak fluently
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an engineer
zaraz wystartujemy
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we're about to take off
Jestem szalonym naukowcem
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I'm a crazy scientist
maluję obrazy
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I paint paintings
data egzaminu
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date of the exam
Wygrałem wycieczkę do USA
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I won a trip to the USA
podchodzę do egzaminu
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I sit an exam
piszę egzamin
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I write an exam
poprawiam egzamin
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I resit an exam
poprawiam egzamin
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I resit an exam
odgrzewam obiad
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I reheat my dinner
przerób to/zrób to jeszcze raz
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redo it!
pisz noc
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write night
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głupiutka rodzinka
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silly family
nauka w sojuszu
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science in alliance
malarz maluje obrazy
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a painter paints paintings

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