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question réponse
How have you been?
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Jak ses měl?
She likes her drink
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ráda se napije
Crops failure, poor harvest
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These fish are
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tyto ryby jsou
He was sitting ON HER LEFT
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po její levici
Be on welfare
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být na podpoře
Getting worse BY THE DAY
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den ode dne (horší)
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zadusit, uhasit
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doutnat, kypět, být vzrušující
It is starting to grow on me
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začíná mě to bavit
He will fill you in on that
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dá ti informace
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psí kotec, chovná stanice
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návnada, vějička
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vydědit, zříci se
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rozmazat pixely
He is lying in the mortuary now
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Sorry to startle you
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polekat, poplašit
You are one shy
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jeden vám chybí
Look-out tower
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My hat is off to you
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klobouk dolů
acclimate, acclimated
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aklimatizovat se, aklimatiozovaný
Verbal tick
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parazitické slovo
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odhodlání, vytrvalost
Keep it under your hat
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nech si to pro sebe
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cinkot (skleniček)
I could use some tea
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dal bych si čaj
The door sticks
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dveře drhnou
Sleep on it
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rozmyslím si to do rána
I am saddened to inform
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s politováním oznamuji
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for your interest
Healing scab
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slina, plivanec, chrchel
Hang askew
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šikmo (viset)
Cars that GO fast
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Plenty to drink?
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Pil jsi hodně?
Warn against
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varovat před
It is a cunt
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je to zmrdstvo
It is spot on
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On the right, you can see
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Enclave, exclave
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enkláva, exkláva
When it rains, it pours
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když se něco kazí,...
You have made quite an ADVERSARY
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Number 1, number 2
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na malou, na velkou
It came out harsh
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to znělo drsněji, než plán
Complimentary coffee
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káva zdarma
To be on the same page
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být na stejné vlně
Just in time
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právě včas
Up to my ears in work
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až po uši v práci
I hold st. sacred
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je to pro mne svaté
How is it coming along?
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Jak to postupuje v před?
A soft touch / easy touch
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dá se snadno přemluvit / obelstít, měkkosrdcatý
I can’t make heads or tails of it
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vůbec se v tom nevyznám
I’ll take a rain check
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vynechám to
Comforter = duvet
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She has a cold
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má rýmu
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mj. prachové peří
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All these ... are spoken for
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jsou zamluveny

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