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na obrazku widze
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In the picture I can see
obrazek przedstawia
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the picture shows
z prawej/lewej strony
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on the right / left
na gorze/dole
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at the top/bottom
w tle/na pierwszym planie znajduje się
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in the background/foreground there is
oni moga byc
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they may be
oni sa prawdopodobnie
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they re probably
to wyglada jak
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it looks like
wydaje mi sie ze oni
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they seem
wydaje mi sie ze
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it seems to me that
moim zdaniem
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in my opinion
mysle ze
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I think
nie sadze ze
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I don t think
raczej nie lubie
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I don t really like
nie znosze
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I can t stand
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I hate/detest
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I prefer
lubie bardziej niz
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I like better than
niech zobacze
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let me see
niech zastanowie sie nad tym przez chwile
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let me think about that for a moment
to dobre pytanie
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that s a good question
nie jestem pewien ale
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I m not quite sure but

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