niezgadzanie sie z rozmówcą

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byc może masz racje, ale ja sadze
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maybe you're right, but I think
obawiam sie, ze nie moge sie z toba zgodzic
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I'm afraid I can not agree with you
nie jedtem tego taki pewny
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I'm not so sure about it
rozumiem, co masz na mysli, ale...
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I see what you mean, but...
nie zgadzam sie z tobą
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I do not agree with you
nie moge sie z toba zgodzić
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I can not agree with you
zgadzam sie, ale...
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I agree, but...
nie sadze/ watpie
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I do not think so
osmielam sie byc odmiennego zdania
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I beg to differ
chyba zartujesz?
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are you kidding?
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