nieparzyste kości twarzy

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question réponse
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vomer, alae of vomer, posterior nasal apertures, nasopalatine groove
kość gnykowa
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hyoid bone, splanchnocranium, greater horns of hyoid bone, lesser horns of hyoid bone, stylohyoid ligament
żuchwa trzon
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mandible, mandibular notch, body, base, alveolar margin, alveolar part, alveolar arch, interalveolar septa, interradicular septa
żuchwa trzon zewn. i wewn.
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mental protuberance, mental tubercle, mental foramen, oblique line, mental spine, sublingual fossa, digastric fossa, mylohyoid line, submandibular fossa, mylohyoid groove
gałąź żuchwy
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ramus of mandible, angle of mandible, masseteric tuberosity, mandibular foramen, lingula, mandibular canal, pterygoid tuberosity, coronoid process, condylar process (neck, head), pterygoid fovea
kość sitowa
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ethmoidal bone, cribriform plate of ethmoidal bone, crista galli, ala of crista galli, foramen cecum of frontal bone, perpendicular plate of ethmoidal bone, ethmoidal labyrinth, ethmoidal cells, orbital plate
kość sitowa 2
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anterior/posterior ethmoidal foramen/canal, middle/superior/supreme nasal concha, ethmoidal bulla, uncinate process, hiatus semilunaris, ethmoidal infundibulum, spheno-ethmoidal recess

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