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In unserer Firma duzen sich alle Mitarbeiter. commencer à apprendre
using first names / informally In our company, all employees address each other informally.
Obwohl wir uns schon lange kennen, siezen wir uns immer noch. commencer à apprendre
to address each other formally Although we have known each other for a long time, we still address each other formally.
Ich habe die Datei aus Versehen gelöscht. // Kannst du mir die Datei per E-Mail schicken? commencer à apprendre
I accidentally deleted the file. // Can you send me the file by email?
Nach einem langen Arbeitstag bin ich immer sehr müde. // Er war so müde, dass er sofort eingeschlafen ist. commencer à apprendre
After a long workday, I am always very tired. // He was so tired that he fell asleep immediately.
Fernlernen ermöglicht es den Studenten, von überall aus zu studieren. // Während der Pandemie wurde Fernlernen für viele Schulen zur Notwendigkeit. commencer à apprendre
distance learning / remote learning Distance learning allows students to study from anywhere. // During the pandemic, distance learning became a necessity for many schools.
Wir haben den Urlaub zusammen geplant. // Lass uns das Problem zusammen lösen. commencer à apprendre
We planned the vacation together. // Let's solve the problem together.
Wir bezahlen getrennt, bitte. // Obwohl sie verheiratet sind, leben sie getrennt. commencer à apprendre
We’ll pay separately, please. // Although they are married, they live separately.
Die Aufgabe ist schwierig. // Das ist eine sehr schwierige Frage commencer à apprendre
Difficult (in terms of complexity or requiring effort. It often refers to tasks or situations that are hard to manage or solve, but it doesn't necessarily imply a heavy burden.) The task is difficult // It's very difficult question
Das Paket ist schwer // Das war eine schwere Entscheidung commencer à apprendre
Heavy (physically heavy or difficult in a more figurative sense, like a burden. It can also refer to something that feels emotionally or mentally taxing. It can imply that something is hard to bear or handle.) The package is heavy. // That was a tough decision
Die Situation ist problematisch // Sie hat eine problematische Einstellung commencer à apprendre
Problematic (something that causes problems, complications, or issues. It's often used to point out a situation that isn't just difficult but problematic, with potential negative consequences.) The situation is problematic // She has a problematic attitude
Schwer (immer unzufrieden) Er ist ein schwer zufriedenzustellender Mensch commencer à apprendre
implies emotional or mental difficulty, like being hard to satisfy. (to describe a person or situation that is difficult to please or always dissatisfied. It can express emotional heaviness or an ongoing sense of struggle.) He is a difficult person to please
Ich muss noch die Unterlagen durcharbeiten, bevor ich den Bericht schreibe. // Ich muss die Aufgaben noch durcharbeiten. commencer à apprendre
working through something, typically in the sense of completing a task, reviewing material thoroughly, or processing something in detail. It can also imply working continuously through a problem or a set of tasks. I still have to work through the documents before I write the report. // I still have to work through the tasks.
Der Topf ist zu heiß, um ihn anzufassen. // Ich habe den Topf auf den Herd gestellt. commencer à apprendre
The pot is too hot to touch. // I put the pot on the stove.
Weihnachten und Ostern auf einmal commencer à apprendre
Christmas and Easter at once (to describe something unexpected or unusually good happening together.) to express surprise or describe an exceptionally rare or fortunate situation. It’s more of a figurative expression rather than something people would say daily.