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iron out
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jack up
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to raise
joke around
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to be humorous
jump in
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enter a conversation
jump to
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make a quick, poorly thought out decision
keep around
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have handy, have accessible
keep at
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not give up (an activity), to persevere
keep away
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prevent access to, hold back
keep back
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maintain a safe distance, cause to maintain a safe distance
keep down
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not vomit, not throw up, keep in one’s stomach
keep in
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keep in a particular place, have something in a specific location
keep off
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prevent from stepping or climbing on to something
keep out
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prevent from entering
keep over
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cover something with, put somehing above
keep to
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continue, persist in (an activity)
lay away
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save for the future
lay down
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establish (laws, rules)
lay in on/lay into
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scold or criticize severely
lay off
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suspend someone from a job (during a slow period)
lay out
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przełomowe badania
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groundbreaking research
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grow dark
żywić urazę
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bear a grudge
zagrać na gitarze
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strum a guitar
weź gitarę
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take up the guitar
poszerzająca się zatoka
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widening gulf
wykopać nawyk
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kick a habit
grube włosy
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coarse hair
rozczochrane włosy
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dishevelled hair
mocnoczarne włosy
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jet-black hair
gładkie włosy
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sleek hair
odrzucić coś bez dyskusji
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reject something out of hand
przygotuj ulotki
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prepare handouts
latać na lotni
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go hang-gliding
błogo szczęśliwy
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blissfully happy
silny mróz
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hard frost
zatwardziały przestępca
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hardened criminal
pochopny wniosek
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hasty conclusion
głęboka nienawiść
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deep hatred
zmienić ubrania
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have clothes altered
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have a go
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have a grasp of
mieć wątpliwości
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have misgivings about
kłócić się
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have a row
mieć podejrzane podejrzenia
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have a sneaking suspicion
mają uderzający wygląd
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have a striking appearance
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have a think
mieć widok na
commencer à apprendre
have a view of
Miej żywą wyobraźnię
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have a vivid imagination
powodować spustoszenie
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cause havoc
cierpi na katar sienny
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suffer from hay fever
zderzenie czołowe
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head-on clash
trafić na czołówki gazet
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hit the headlines
być nagłówkami wiadomości
commencer à apprendre
be headline news
robić coś szybko bez zastanowienia
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rush headlong into
wrażliwy na ciepło
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sensetive to heat
bardzo dobrze
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heavy fine
łatwozrozumiała wskazówka
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heavy hint
u szczytu kariery
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at the height of your career
dziedzictwo muzyczne
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musical heritage
lekkie wahanie
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slight hesitation
wysokie stopy procentowe
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high interest rates
wysoka woda
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high tide
silny wiatr
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high wind
wyznaczyć wysokie standardy
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set high standards
bardzo ważna praca
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high-powered job
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high-rise flats
najwyższy szacunek
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highest regard
mówić dobre rzeczo o
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speak highly of
suggestion, that is very clear and easy to understand
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broad hint
trafić na czołówki gazet
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hit the headlines
wybuch epidemii
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outbreak hits
mieć taką opinię
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hold the opinion that
prowadzić rozmowy
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hold talks
uważać że
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hold the view that
rekordzista świata
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world record holder
rozbia rodzina
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broken home
dom bez potrzebnych rzeczy
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deprived home
mecz u siebie
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home match
założyć dom
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set up home
zniszczyć czyjeś nadzieje
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dash someone’s hopes
wypełniony przerażeniem
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filled with horror
wziąć zakładnika
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take hostage
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scorching hot
wczesne godziny
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the small hours
bezbożne godziny (bardzo wcześnie lub późno)
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ungodly hours
udekorować dom
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do up a house
ogromna niechęć
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huge aversion
maszyna brzęczy
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machine hums
zmarły mąż
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late husband
mąż, nie żyjący ze swoją żoną
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estranged husband
to say that one knows nothing about something
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plead ignorance
Zapaść na chorobę
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fall ill
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be taken ill
nieuleczalna choroba
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incurable illness
Zagrażające życiu choroby
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life-threatening illness
przejrzysta ilustracja
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clear illustration
nieskazitelnie wypielęgnowane
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immaculately groomed
Bezpośrednią przyczyną
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immediate cause
bliska rodzina
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immediate family
mieć wpływ na
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have an impact on

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