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I'll take you home.
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Te llevaré a casa /Te llevo a casa.
to spit
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an event
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un evento, un acontecimiento
What the hell are you doing here?
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¿Que narices/rayos/diablos haces aquí?
at recess (at school)
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en el recreo
play in the playgroud (at school)
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jugar en el patio
En lugar de jugar en el patio, los niños escribieron las letras del alfabeto y cantaron canciones.
Thanks for the talk.
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Gracias por la charla.
She felt sick.
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Ella se sintió enferma.
I felt horrible
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Me sentí fatal/horrible
I took a taxi home.
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Tomé un taxi a casa.
You screwed up. You messed up.
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Metiste la pata.
I messed up the grammar.
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Metí la pata con la gramática.
Maya, straighten your legs.
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Maya, estira las piernas.
on the ninth floor
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en la planta novena, en el noveno piso

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