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question réponse
about, approximately
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acerca de, aproximadamente
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to swing
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It's hot
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Hace calor
take photos
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tomar sacar fotos
I don't remember about
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No me acuerdo de. No recuerdo de
to trip, fall over
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It's snowy.
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Esta nevando
a thread
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el hilo
It's cool. temperature
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Hace fresco.
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to arrive at the house
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llegar a la casa
She climbed the chair
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Subió en la silla
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la repisa
light switch
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el interruptor de luz
What's the weather like?
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¿Como está el clima? Qué tiempo hace? Qué clima hace?
to pedal
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It's rainy.
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Está lluvioso.
to water plants
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regar las plantas
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climb the stair
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subir la escalera. subir por las escaleras
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to leave school
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salir de la escuela
The weather is nice/bad.
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Hace buen/mal tiempo.
to return from Mexico
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regresar de México
save time, money
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ahorrar tiempo, dinero
piece, chip, counter in board games
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la ficha
to swing yourself
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columpiarse, balancearse
step (stair)
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el escalón
walk to the house
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caminar a la casa
nonsense, stupid thing
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tontería, estupidez, la idiotez
to get into the car
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subir al coche
arrive at the airport
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llegar al aeropuerto
hang out clothes, I hang
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tender la ropa, yo tiendo
I hit myself very hard
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Me golpeé muy fuerte
in front of
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enfrente de, frente a, delante de
Go away!
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¡Vete! Largate! Largo!
pissed / mad about
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cabreado por
angry: enojado, enfadado, irritado
know, knew
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saber, sé sabes sabe, supe supiste supo
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la excepción
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scooter, skateboard
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el monopatín
make the bed
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hacer la cama, tender la cama
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rezar, orar
beg, ask, request
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suplicar rogar
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fallar, fracasar
luckily, it's a good thing
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menos mal, por suerte,
Menos mal que llegamos a tiempo.
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la niebla
I miss you.
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Te hecho de menos. te extraño.
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artificial nails
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uñas postizas
it depends on
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depende de
between February and April
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entre febrero y abril
flight attendant
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Ayudante de vuelo, asistente de vuelo, azafata
to drown
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burn (noun)
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la quemadura
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la costilla
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compañero, tío, colega
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los muebles
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debajo de
The taxi driver charged me
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El taxista me cobró/pidió
I'm fit as a fiddle. I'm splendid.
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Estoy como una rosa.
to require demand, I require
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exigir, yo exijo
Este trabajo exige muchas horas. La compañía exige que los empleados lleven el pelo corto. The company requires workers to wear their hair short.

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