nerw trójdzielny

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nerw trójdzielny
commencer à apprendre
trigeminal nerve, sensory root, trigeminal ganglion, semilunar ganglion, mesencephalic nucleus of trigeminal nerve, principal sensory nucleus of trigeminal nerve, spinal nucleus of trigeminal nerve, motor nucleus of trigeminal nerve, motor root
nerw oczny
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ophthalmic nerve, internal carotid plexus, tentorial branch, lacrimal nerve, communicating branch with zygomatic nerve, pterygopalatine ganglion, frontal nerve, supraorbital nerve, supratrochlear nerve, nasociliary nerve
oczny odgałęzienia
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communicating branch with ciliary ganglion, short ciliary nerves, long ciliary nerves, anterior ethmoidal nerve, internal nasal branches and external nasal branch, posterior ethmoidal nerve, infratrochlear nerve
zwój rzęskowy 1
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ciliary ganglion, parasympathetic root, accessory nucleus of oculomotor nerve, sensory root from ophthalmic division of trigeminal nerve, communicating branch with ciliary ganglion
zwój rzęskowy 2
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sympathetic root of ciliary ganglion, internal carotid plexus, internal carotid nerve, intermediolateral nucleus, ciliospinal centre, short ciliary nerves, parasympathetic postganglionic fibres
nerw szczękowy
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maxillary nerve, meningeal branch, ganglionic branches, pterygopalatine ganglion, zygomatic nerve, zygomaticotemporal branch, zygomaticofacial branch, infraorbital nerve
nerw szczękowy 2
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posterior/middle/anterior superior alveolar branches, superior dental plexus, superior dental branches, superior gingival branches
zwój skrzydłowo-podniebienny (n)
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pterygopalatine ganglion, parasympathetic root, superior salivatory nucleus, greater petrosal n, n of pterygoid canal, sensory root, sympathetic root, deep petrosal n, n of pterygoid canal, internal carotid plexus, superior cervical ganglion
zwój s-p 2
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posterior superior lateral nasal branches, posterior superior medial nasal branches, nasopalatine nerve, greater palatine nerve, lesser palatine nerves, orbital branches, ganglionic branches, lacrimal gland

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