naucz sie kurwa tegooo

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unikac stresu
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avoid stress
cieszyc sie dobrym zdrowiem
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be in good health
miec nadwage
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be overweight
byc w dobrej/złej kondycji fizycznej
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be fit/ unfit
wdychać dym
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breathe smoke
radzic sobie ze stresem
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cope with stress
wyeliminować słodycze
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cut out sweet
rzucic palenie
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give up smaking
zestresować sie
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get stressed
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lose weight
pory posiłków
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przybrac na wadze
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put on weight
zdrzemnac sie
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take a nap
chodzic po schodach
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take the stairs
czuc sie przygnebionym
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feel depressed
czuc sie dobrze
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feel good
zapisac sie na silownie
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join a gym
czuc sie okropnie
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feel terrible
zle sie czuc
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to feel weel
czuc sie slabym
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feel weak
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dobre samopoczucie
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