natural world

 0    14 fiche    ZbigniewStonoga
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wstawać o świcie
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to get up at the crack of dawn
działać na rzecz wspólnego celu
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to work towards a common goal
poczucie wspólnoty
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a sense of community
w kontakcie z naturą
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in touch with nature
gwiaździste niebo
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the starry sky
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boiling hot
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freezing cold
przemoczony, kompletnie mokry
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soaking wet
The wind was still biting and we were soaking wet
leje jak z cebra
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pouring with rain
eliminating sth complately
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to wipe out
to prevent certain species from being wiped out
rozprawić się, take severe measures against someone or something:
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to crack down
governments should crack down on businesses that keep their animals in inhumane conditions
zdystansowac sie od czegos
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step back from sth
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cut down
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die away
the sounds of the birds singing gradually died away

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