Nadia 16th April

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Nie widzę cię.
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I can't see you.
I can't hear you.
córka kuzyna mojego taty
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my dad's cousin's daughter
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przyjaciel rodziny
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a family friend
na twoim biurku
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on your desk
w mojej szufladzie
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in my drawer
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a drawer
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to draw - drew - drawn
ja pokażę ci
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I'll show you
podwójna tęcza
Have you ever seen a double rainbow?
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a double rainbow
Pewnego dnia
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One day
Pokażę ci coś.
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I'll show you something.
Chcę Ci coś pokazać.
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I want TO show you something.
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a contest / a competition
w ten weekend
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this weekend
w tym miesiącu
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this month
W tym roku
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this year
w tym tygodniu
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this week
w ten poniedziałek
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this Monday
W ten weekend chcę przenocować u przyjaciela.
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This weekend I want TO have a sleepover at my friend's.
Chcę wziąć udział w konkursie tańca.
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I want TO participate in a dance contest.
W ten weekend chcę obejrzeć coś ciekawego w telewizji.
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This weekend I want to watch something interesting on tv.
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to put - put - put
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Poszedłeś wczoraj do pracy?
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Did you go to work yesterday?
W zeszłym tygodniu ona nie przeczytała tej książki.
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Last week she didn't read this book.
Kiedy przeczytałeś tę książkę?
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When did you read this book?

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