My room

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question réponse
Dywan jest w salonie
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The carpet is in the living room
Szafka jest w łazience
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The cabinet is in the bathroom
Łóżko jest w sypialni
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The bed is in the bedroom
Pudełko jest w sypialni
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The box is in the bedroom
Lampa jest w salonie
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The lamp is in the living room
Firanka jest w kuchni
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The curtain is in the kitchen
Lalka jest w pudełku
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The doll is in the box
Lampa jest na stole
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The lamp is on the table
Książka jest pod stołem
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The book is under the table
Stół jest obok łóżka
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The table is next to the bed
Gdzie jest mój czerwony samochód?
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Where's my red car?
Nie ma go w pudełku z zabawkami z moim pluszowym misiem
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It isn't in the toy box with my teddy bear
Nie ma go w szafce ani pod łóżkiem
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It isn't in the cabinet or under the bed
Żółty dywan jest na podłodze
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The yellow carpet is on the floor
Fotel jest obok dywanu
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The armchair is next to the carpet
Lustro nie jest pod stołem. Jest na stole
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The mirror isn't under the table. It's on the table
Brązowe pudełko jest w wannie
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The brown box is in the bath
Gdzie jest Pluto?
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Where's Pluto?
Pluto nie ma na podwórku
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Pluto isn't in the backyard
Pluto, czas do wanny!
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Pluto, bath time!
Patrz! Pluto jest na fotelu
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Look! Pluto's on the armchair
Pluto! Chodź tu!
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Pluto! Come here!
Teraz Pluto jest na podwórku
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Now Pluto's in the backyard
Pluto jest w wannie!
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Pluto's in the bath!
Dobry piesek, Pluto!
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Good boy, Pluto!
Pluto nie ma w budzie
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Pluto isn't in the doghouse
Zabawki są też na stole
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The toys are on the table, too
Okno jest duże i nie mam firanek
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The window is big and I don't have curtains
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Jakiego koloru jest fotel?
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What color is the armchair?
Lampa jest obok lustra
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The lamp is next to the mirror

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