My phrasals

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(of an issue, situation, or problem) occur or present itself, especially unexpectedly.
temat nie został jeszcze poruszony
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come up
the subject has not yet come up
(of a fact) emerge; become known, reveled after being kept secret
wyszło na jaw, że prowadził sekretne podwójne życie
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come out
it came out that he had been leading a secret double life
compensate for something lost, missed, or deficient
Jutro nadrobię czas
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make up sth
I'll make up the time tomorrow
nvolve somebody in something
Zaangażowałeś mnie w mnóstwo dodatkowej pracy.
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involve in
You have involved me in a great deal of extra work.
become interested or engaged in a pursuit
zaczęła grać w tenisa w wieku 11 lat
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take up
she took up tennis at the age of 11
organize or present a play, exhibition, or event
muzeum organizuje wystawę obrazów Moneta
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put on
the museum is putting on an exhibition of Monet's paintings
an event for which all tickets are sold
Koszulki wyprzedały się w ciągu pierwszych kilku godzin.
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sell out
We sold out of the T-shirts in the first couple of hours.
to use an idea, a fact, a situation, etc. as the point from which something can be developed
Zielona polityka opiera się na przekonaniu, że zasoby planety są ograniczone
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base on
Green politics are based on the belief that the resources of the planet are finite
display someone or something that is a source of pride
jej dżinsy były obcisłe, podkreślając jej zgrabną sylwetkę
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show off
her jeans were tight-fitting, showing off her compact figure
obtain, acquire, or learn something, especially in an informal way
phrasal verb
nauczył się trochę polskiego od swojego ojca
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pick up
phrasal verb
he had picked up a little Polish from his father
learn without formal study
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pick up
invent a story, a song, a joke
Skarżyli się na „zmyślone” dane.
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made up
They complained about "made-up" data.
become an adult
phrasal verb
Dorastałem w Szkocji
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grow up
phrasal verb
I grew up in Scotland
be in particular situation after a series of events
phrasal verb
Duża część tego mięsa prawdopodobnie skończy jako karma dla psów.
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end up
phrasal verb
Much of this meat will probably end up as dog food.
stop being together as a couple
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break up
reach someone after a period of following/chasing
Pobiegłem za nią i udało mi się ją dogonić.
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catch (someone) up
I ran after her and managed to catch up with her.
to understand something or to find the answer to something by thinking about it
phrasal verb
Śledczy potrzebowali kilku miesięcy, aby ustalić, że popełniono oszustwo.
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work out
phrasal verb
Investigators needed several months to work out that a fraud had been committed.
have none left
phrasal verb
Skończyło się mleko.
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run out
phrasal verb
The milk has run out.
stop going finishing your studies
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drop out
have a good relationship
phrasal verb
Nie dogaduję się z mężem mojej siostry.
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get along
phrasal verb
I don't really get along with my sister's husband.
to deal with a situation, usually successfully
phrasal verb
Ciekawe jak Michael radzi sobie w nowej pracy?
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get along
phrasal verb
I wonder how Michael is getting along in his new job?
If two or more people get together, they meet each other, having arranged it before
phrasal verb
Może spotkamy się w piątek i pójdziemy na drinka?
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get together
phrasal verb
Shall we get together on Friday and go for a drink or something?
to start a romantic relationship
phrasal verb
Dwa lata temu związała się z Paulem.
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get together
phrasal verb
She got together with Paul two years ago.
an informal meeting or social occasion, often arranged for a particular purpose
phrasal verb
spotkanie rodzinne
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get together
phrasal verb
a family get-together
to have a meeting or a party
phrasal verb
Może spotkamy się wszyscy w piątek?
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get together
phrasal verb
Why don’t we all get together on Friday?
to find or meet something or someone by chance
phrasal verb
W końcu trafili na drogę prowadzącą przez pustynię.
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happen on/upon something/someone
phrasal verb
Eventually they happened on a road leading across the desert.
to be able to live or deal with a situation with difficulty, usually by having just enough of something you need, such as money
Nie wiem, jak on sobie radzi za tak niewielkie pieniądze.
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get by
I don't know how he gets by on so little money.
to leave or escape from a place or person, often when it is difficult to do this
Przeszliśmy na następną plażę, aby uciec od tłumów.
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get away
We walked to the next beach to get away from the crowds.
Nigdy nie wiedziałem, że Karen nie dogadywała się z Sue.
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get on
I never knew that Karen didn't get on with Sue.
to deal with a situation, especially successfully
Jak Frank radzi sobie w nowej pracy?
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get on
How's Frank getting on in his new job?
to manage to talk to someone on the telephone
Dzwoniłem wcześniej, ale nie mogłem się dodzwonić.
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get through
I called you earlier, but I couldn't get through.
to finish (work etc)
Wykonaliśmy dziś sporo pracy.
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get through
We got through a lot of work today.
to pass (an examination)
Na szczęście zdała test z historii.
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get through
Luckily she got through her history test.
to arrive, usually with some difficulty
Jedzenie dotarło do fortu pomimo prób powstrzymania go przez wroga.
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get through
The food got through to the fort despite the enemy’s attempts to stop it.
to make oneself understood
Po prostu nie mogę już do niej dotrzeć.
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get through
I just can’t get through to her any more.
to be or make (something) understood
Wykładowca starał się przekazać swój punkt widzenia.
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get across
The lecturer was struggling to get his point across.
to be successful in the work that you do
To trudne dla każdej kobiety, która chce awansować w polityce.
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get ahead
It's tough for any woman who wants to get ahead in politics.
to make progress; to be successful
Jeśli chcesz awansować, musisz ciężko pracować.
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get ahead
If you want to get ahead, you must work hard.
to do (something bad) without being punished for it
Morderstwo to poważne przestępstwo i rzadko kiedy uchodzi ludziom na sucho.
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get away with
Murder is a serious crime and people rarely get away with it.
to re-engage in an activity or situation after being away from it for some time
Staram się wrócić do rutyny po wakacjach.
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get back into
I'm trying to get back into a routine after the holidays.
to make (a person) sad
Praca w tym miejscu naprawdę mnie przygnębia.
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get down
Working in this place really gets me down.
to leave a place, usually in order to start a journey
Jeśli uda nam się wyruszyć przed siódmą, drogi będą czystsze.
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get off
If we can get off by seven o'clock, the roads will be clearer.
to leave work with permission, usually at the end of the day
Jak wcześnie możesz wyjechać po południu?
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get off
How early can you get off this afternoon?
to leave a train, bus, or aircraft
Wysiądź w Camden Town.
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get off (something)
Get off at Camden Town.
to send a letter or parcel to someone
Otrzymałem ten list dziś rano.
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get something off
I got that letter off this morning.
to start sleeping, or to help a baby to start sleeping
Od godziny próbuję uśpić dziecko!
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get (someone) off
I've been trying to get the baby off (to sleep) for an hour!
to avoid punishment, or to help another person to avoid punishment for something
Została oskarżona o oszustwo, ale jej prawnikowi udało się ją uwolnić.
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get (someone) off (something)
She was charged with fraud, but her lawyer managed to get her off.
to avoid doing something that you do not want to do, especially by giving an excuse
Jeśli uda mi się uniknąć dzisiejszego spotkania, zrobię to.
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get out of something
If I can get out of going to the meeting tonight, I will.
to get better after an illness, or feel better after something or someone has made you unhappy
Dopiero co przeszła grypę, kiedy dopadł ją nieżyt żołądka.
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get over something/someone
She was only just getting over the flu when she got a stomach bug.
complete an unpleasant or tedious but necessary task promptly
No dalej, miejmy to już za sobą
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get over with
come on, let's get it over with
zawęzic cos
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narrow sth down
to need or deserve a particular action, remark, quality
zarządzam 10 minut przerwy
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call for sth
I call for a 10 minute break
wysłać coś
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send something across

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