My english course with Jeremy

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question English réponse English
wallow in self-pity
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to indulge in one’s own feelings of sadness or self-pity exessively
nurture relationships
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to support and strengthen connections with other individuals
fall prey to social comparison
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to refrain from comparing one’s own social and personal life to others’ as a way to measure success
take sth too hard
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to be overly affected or deeply distressed by something
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stop oneself from doing something
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allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of
develop strategies for coping with
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to create plans or methods to manage challenges or difficulties
let go of your anger
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to release pent-up frustration and stop feeling hostile towards someone or something
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without an end
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to make difficult to accomplish
take sth into account
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to consider or include particular facts or details in decision or judgment
think on your feet
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to think and react to things very quickly and effectively without being prepared
make a snap decision
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to make a quick decision
long-term implications
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the effects or outcomes of a decision or an event that will be felt in the future
whittle down
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to reduce the number of choices
have second thoughts
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to start doubting a decision or belief
trust your gut
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to listen to and follow one’s own instincts or feelings when making a decision
be in two minds about sth
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to be ensure and have difficulty choosing between two viewpoints or courses of action
talk it through with sb
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to discuss something thoroughly with someone in order to reach a decision or come to conclusion

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