My body and my face

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Ona ma blond włosy
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She has blond hair
Ona ma ciemne włosy
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She has dark hair
On ma duży podbródek
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He has a big chin
On ma na sobie okulary
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He's wearing glasses
Ona ma białe zęby
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She has white teeth
To jest żyrafa. Ma długą szyję
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It's a giraffe. It has a long neck
To jest lew. Ma długi ogon
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It's a lion. It has a long tail
On ma silne ramiona
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He has strong arms
Czy ona ma długie nogi?
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Does she have long legs?
On nie ma małych stóp
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He doesn't have small feet
Ona nie ma dużych dłoni
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She doesn't have big hands
Patrz! Oto dom Goofy'ego
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Look! This is Goofy's house
Kto jest w kuchni?
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Who's in the kitchen?
To nie jest Goofy
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It isn't Goofy
Nie, Goofy nie ma długich włosów
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No, Goofy doesn't have long hair
Goofy ma długie uszy i duży nos
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Goofy has long ears and a big nose
Ona ma długie włosy i mały nos
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She has long hair and a small nose
WOW! On ma silne ramiona!
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Whoa! He has strong arms!
Proszę umyć twarz
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Please wash your face
Proszę umyć zęby
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Please brush your teeth
Proszę umyć ręce
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Please wash your hands
Proszę uczesać włosy
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Please brush your hair
On ma krótkie, siwe włosy
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He has short gray hair
Podoba mi się numer 2
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I like number two

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