My advanved

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question English réponse English
cramming for sth
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intensively preparing for sth
past papers
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exam papers from previous years
rote learning
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learning by repetition, uczenie na pamięć
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tricks that help you remember
bury yourself in your books
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spend the maximum time learning
First draft
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First rough version
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propensity for sth
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welcome to my humble abode!
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w skromnych progach
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drive or push something forward. The Kon-Tiki sailed across the Pacific Ocean propelled by wind power. Propel to the next level.
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hand in formal. You must submit your application before 1 January.
dissuade sb from
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discourage, deter
give way
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You must give way at a give-way sign. You must give way to pedestrans at a pedestrian crossing.
Right of way.
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Traffic coming from the right has a right of way.
jumping a red light
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reckless driving
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and drug-driving
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to exchange ideas on a particular subject. I need some time to confer with my lawyer to give an official title, honour, or advantage to someone: An honorary doctorate was conferred on him by Columbia University.
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adj. clearly visible. conspicuity - noun
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an unpleasant sound or combination of sounds: a disagreement, or the quality of not being in agreement with something or someone else: "There is no discordance between this report and the president's position on climate," he claimed.
penalty points, penalty (for breaking the law)
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negative points which are added up over time and which can result in the loss of your licence
breathalyser test
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instrument you breathe into to measure alcohol level
on-the-spot fines
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given at the scene of the of f ence
exhaust emissions
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waste gases produced by the vehicle
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in a condition that it can be driven safely
depth of tyre tread
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drving with a bald tyre
Paying the bill phrases
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Split the bill. Lunch is on me. Be my guest. Let me get this.
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sluggish f. e. service
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rather slowly
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too confident, apodyktyczny.
sullen adj. sullenness. noun
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bad tempered, unwilling to smile
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Quick and rude
go out of sbs way
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do every thing possible

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