must & have

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question réponse
I must do it. / I have to do it.
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Muszę to zrobić.
She must do it. / She has to do it.
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Musi to zrobić. / Ona musi to zrobić.
I mustn't do it.
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Nie wolno mi tego robić.
I don't have to do it.
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Nie muszę tego robić
She mustn't do it.
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Nie wolno jej tego robić.
She doesn't have to do it.
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Nie musi tego robić.
Do I have to do it?
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Czy muszę to zrobić?
Does she have to do it?
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Czy ona musi to zrobić?
I had to do it.
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Musiałem to zrobić.
She had to do it.
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Musiała to zrobić.
She didn't have to do it.
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Nie musiała tego robić.
I didn't have to do it.
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Nie musiałem tego robić.
Did I have to do it?
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Czy musiałem to zrobić?
Did she have to do it.
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Czy musiała to zrobić.
I will have to do it.
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Będę musiał to zrobić.
She will not have to do it.
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Nie będzie musiała tego robić.
Will I have to do it?
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Czy będę musiał to zrobić?

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