Money matters

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to give somebody something for a certain time
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to be given (to take) something for a certain time
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the price is lower than usual
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to get the money back
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not to have any money left
bank statement
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a list / history of payments
bank balance
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the amount of money you have on your bank account
to be in the red
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to have a minus on the account
to be in black
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to make money
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a bill
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you get it after you pay
gross profit
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the bigger amount of money (brutto)
net profit
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the smaller amount of money (netto)
be undercharged
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you haven't payed enough
be overcharged
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to pay too much
save money
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not to spend money
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to put the money somewhere in hope to earn more than we put
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money earned per hour / per week
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money earned per month / per year
be extravagant
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to spend a lot of money
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a loan (pożyczka) only for a place to live
bank loan
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a sum of money borrowed from the bank
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actions (risky, but there's a chance of high return)
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obligations (not risky, but there's a very low return)
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what you pay for borrowing money, and what banks pay you for saving money with them
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without a value
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something really important to us
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the money you earn when you're retired
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the amount of money that you have to pay to the government
deposit money
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to put the money into the account
withdraw money
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to put the money out of the account

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