moje phrasal verbs

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turn down
Can you please turn down the music? It's too loud.
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put off
I keep putting off my dentist appointment.
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Look up
I need to look up the definition of that word.
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Give up
I'm not going to give up on my dream of becoming a doctor.
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Poddaj się
Get over
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Przeboleć, wrocic do zdrowia
Bring up
I didn't want to bring up the issue at the meeting.
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wychować, poruszyc
Go out
We're going out to dinner tonight
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Break down
My car broke down on the way to work.
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Come up with
We need to come up with a plan to solve this problem.
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Run into
I ran into an old friend at the grocery store.
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spotkać kogos przypadkiem
reach out
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