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Kiedy mojego męża nie ma czuję się smutna
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down in the dumps
When my husband is away i feel down in the dumps
Streścić podsumować
I need to recap this meeting
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Musze streścić to spotkanie
wymagac od siebie
To jest wazne żeby wymagac id siebie jedli chcesz zdac egzamin
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push yourself
It's important to push yourself if you want to do well in your exams
Mogę ćwiczyć gdzie tylko zechcę.
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work out
I can work out wherever I want.
przybita przygnebiona
Musiałeś zauważyć, że chodzi ostatnio przybita.
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down in the dumps
You must have noticed she's been down in the dumps lately.
zalatwia sprawę
Poblask zawsze załatwia sprawę, czyż nie?
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it does the trick
Sparkle always does the trick, does it not?
Stare łóżko jest wygodne i białe...
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The old bed is cozy and white...
Robić z igły widły
Gee! She doesn't have an evening dress?! It's just friends' party - why does she have to change a fly into an elephant!
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Change a fly into an elephant
To jest oczywiste / nie ulega wątpliwości
Oh, Amy you should marry him! It goes without saying
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It goes without saying
This soup tastes odd
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Powód, przyczyna
It also triggers their sence of instant gratification
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Wzmacniać, podnosić np wartość, cenę
We have to buy a new radio to enhance the value of our car
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Paul's so sloppy - he always spills something on the floor
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Zagaić (rozmowę)
It's easy to strike up a conversation with someone when you're traveling.
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Strike up
The story had a bizarre ending
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Napięty, pełen napięcia
What a fraught film!
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Zdrowie psychiczne
Seven years ago Mike lost his sanity
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Please arrive promptly or you'll miss the bus
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Wyraża, przekazuje
His poetry conveys his emotions
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Grupa docelowa
Young people are easy target for tobacco companies
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target group
I know you’re lying so don’t be ludicrous.
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Aby poprawić
I always wanted to improve upon the world.
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To improve upon
Oszukać kogoś
He fooled me he was an artist but later found out he wasn’t
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To fool sb

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