question |
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I do not feel like working
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strange requirements of boss
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czy to byłby wstyd gdybym się opił commencer à apprendre
would it be shame if you got drunk
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kto odbierze cię z imprezy commencer à apprendre
who will pick you up from party
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how much will taxi driver charge you
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how much did they charge you
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I am in charge of this project
kto kieruje tym projektem commencer à apprendre
who is in charge of this project
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oskarżać kogoś o zbrodnię commencer à apprendre
charge somebody with a crime
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osoba która spędza czas przed TV commencer à apprendre
a couch potato / lazy person
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czy jest jakiś wolny etat na stanowisko technika commencer à apprendre
is there any vacancy on a position of a technician
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ściana w pełni przeszklona commencer à apprendre
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gypsum board / plaster board
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chyba wiem co masz na myśli commencer à apprendre
I guess I know what you mean
"czy masz coś przeciwko jeśli zapalę commencer à apprendre
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nie wiem czyja to jest wina commencer à apprendre
I do not know whos fault is it
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a chef - most important cook
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mój główny problem to brak kasy commencer à apprendre
my chief / main problem is a lack of money
dajesz dobry przykład dzieciom commencer à apprendre
you set a good example to kids
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how much time will it take you
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we pity you, we will sorry for you
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i would break down, i would devastated
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construction site, building site
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did you screw anythings up
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construction site manager
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jeżeli chodzi o ten project commencer à apprendre
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dokumentacja powykonawcza commencer à apprendre
a built documentation, preliminary documentation
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I will get in touch with you
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whay are you interested in
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angielski interesuje mnie commencer à apprendre
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to be interested in somethings
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atrakcyjne kobiety przyciągają naszą uwagę commencer à apprendre
attractive women attract our attention
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czy masz ochotę pojeździć na nartach commencer à apprendre
Mam ochotę pojeździć na nartach commencer à apprendre
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kamizleka ratunkowa jest pod siedzeniem commencer à apprendre
life rest/life jacket is under your seat
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I am already scared to death
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take your time / do not hurry
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very early smoke defected
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I even do not want to know
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w pewnym sensie, tak jakby commencer à apprendre
sort of, in a way, in a sense
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stawka w zakładzie, licytacja commencer à apprendre
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maybe it is a question of age
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złożyć wypowiedzenie z pracy commencer à apprendre
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przekonaj mnie że się mylę commencer à apprendre
convince me that I am wrong
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nie wtrącaj się w moje życie commencer à apprendre
do not interfere in my life
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stains vanish / stains disappear
zgubić, stracić, przegrać commencer à apprendre
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czy nasza spółka przynosi straty commencer à apprendre
does our partnership make a loss
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czy jesteś w stanie to zrobić commencer à apprendre
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czy twój lot jest opóźniony commencer à apprendre
czego ten projekt dotyczy commencer à apprendre
what does this project assume