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question English réponse English
scrape through
commencer à apprendre
to only just succeed in passing an examination or dealing with a difficult situation
pick a fight
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to deliberately start a quarrel or fight with someone
master's degree
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a university degree such as an MA, M.Sc., or M.S., that you can get by studying for one or two years after your first degree
work placement
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a job, usually as part of a course of study, which gives you experience of a particular type of work
commencer à apprendre
to follow someone closely in order to watch what they are doing
set one's heart on
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to want very much to have or achieve something, or to be determined to do something
against the odds
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overcome difficulties which make a good result seem very unlikely
take someone on
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to start to employ someone
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done without much effort and without much interest in the result
take something in your stride
commencer à apprendre
to not allow something to annoy, embarrass, or upset you
commencer à apprendre
determined or trying very hard to be more successful than other people or businesses
commencer à apprendre
a short written document that lists your education and previous jobs, which you send to employers when you are looking for a job
commencer à apprendre
to think or know that something is going to happen in the future
commencer à apprendre
the practice of meeting other people involved in the same kind of work, to share information, support each other etc
commencer à apprendre
a large flat case used especially for carrying pictures, documents etc
vouch for
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to say that you believe that someone will behave well and that you will be responsible for their behaviour, actions etc
commencer à apprendre
a close-knit group of people is one in which everyone knows each other well and gives each other support when they need it
take something personally
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to get upset by the things other people say or do, because you think that their remarks or behaviour are directed at you in particular
make the best of something
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to accept a situation that is not very good, and do whatever you can to make it better
take no for a answer
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accept it when somebody refuses you
hand in your resignation
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officially say that you want to resign
be taken aback by
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to be very surprised or shocked by something
take no notice of
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not pay attention to someone or something
take pity on
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feel sorry for someone and treat them with sympathy
take advantage of
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to treat someone unfairly in order to get what you want, especially someone who is generous or easily persuaded
high salary
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a lot of money that you receive as payment from the organization you work for
main priority
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the thing that you think is most important and that needs attention before anything else
tight deadlines
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a date or time by which you have to do or complete something, which is not long away
heavy workload
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a large amount of work that a person or organization has to do
have an impact
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have an effect or influence an event, situation etc
stand someone in good stead
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to be very useful to someone when needed
snap something up
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to buy something immediately, especially because it is very cheap
from all walks of life
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every position in society
part and parcel
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to be a necessary feature of something
crop up
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if a problem crops up, it happens or appears suddenly and in an unexpected way
commencer à apprendre
something that is deceptive seems to be one thing but is in fact very different
commencer à apprendre
to find new people to work in a company, join an organization, do a job etc
commencer à apprendre
very active, happy, and wanting to have fun
commencer à apprendre
more than what was agreed or expected
commencer à apprendre
producing or achieving a lot
commencer à apprendre
a person, team, company etc that is competing with another
commencer à apprendre
used when saying that something is almost certain to happen or be true
commencer à apprendre
influenced by the most fashionable styles and ideas
cutting edge
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the newest and most exciting stage in the development of something
fumble around for
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to try to hold, move, or find something with your hands in an awkward way
commencer à apprendre
a favourable report, opinion, or reaction shows that you think that someone or something is good or that you agree with them
commencer à apprendre
a plan, idea, or method that is feasible is possible and is likely to work
commencer à apprendre
something that you must not do because it is considered to be unacceptable behaviour
butterflies in the stomach
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to feel very nervous before doing something
commencer à apprendre
if two things are linked, they are related in some way
commencer à apprendre
to stand, sit, or walk with a slouch
commencer à apprendre
to keep moving your hands or feet, especially because you are bored or nervous
commencer à apprendre
continuing to talk for too long or using too many words in a way that is boring
commencer à apprendre
not very large or very small, very hot or very cold, very fast or very slow etc
commencer à apprendre
to say something too quietly or not clearly enough, so that other people cannot understand you
pay off
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to give someone all the money you owe them
ramble on
commencer à apprendre
to talk or write for a long time in a way that other people find boring
safety margin
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an additional amount of something such as time, money, or space that you include in order to make sure that you are successful in achieving something
commencer à apprendre
to stand, sit, or walk with a slouch
commencer à apprendre
continuing to talk for too long or using too many words in a way that is boring
switch off
commencer à apprendre
to stop listening to someone

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