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question English réponse English
commencer à apprendre
a long wooden stick with a special shape that is used in some sports and games
be into something
commencer à apprendre
to like and be interested in something
commencer à apprendre
an area made for playing games such as tennis
early days
commencer à apprendre
at the beginning
fancy something
commencer à apprendre
to like or want something, or want to do something
from the word go
commencer à apprendre
from the very beginning
give something a go
commencer à apprendre
to try something
commencer à apprendre
a pair of glasses made of glass or plastic with a rubber or plastic edge that fit against your skin and protect your eyes
commencer à apprendre
a strong hard hat that soldiers, motorcycle riders, the police etc wear to protect their heads
make a tackle
commencer à apprendre
to attempt to take the ball from an opponent in a game such as football
commencer à apprendre
worried or frightened about something, and unable to relax
commencer à apprendre
to come from a particular place or start in a particular situation
commencer à apprendre
a marked out area of ground on which a sport is played
put on
commencer à apprendre
to become fatter and heavier
put yourself through
commencer à apprendre
to do or experience something difficult or unpleasant
commencer à apprendre
a specially shaped piece of wood or metal that you use for hitting the ball in games such as tennis, that has a circle filled with tight strings at one end
commencer à apprendre
reasonable, practical, and showing good judgement
commencer à apprendre
able to understand other people’s feelings and problems
sign up for
commencer à apprendre
to put your name on a list for something because you want to take part in it
speed up
commencer à apprendre
to move or happen faster, or to make something move or happen faster
commencer à apprendre
caring and feeling sorry about someone’s problems
take after
commencer à apprendre
to look or behave like an older relative
take off
commencer à apprendre
to become popular
take place
commencer à apprendre
to happen, especially after being planned or arranged
take to something
commencer à apprendre
to feel a liking towards someone or something
take up
commencer à apprendre
to start doing something
to be brought up
commencer à apprendre
to be raised from a child to an adult
commencer à apprendre
a circular course around which runners, cars etc race, which often has a specially prepared surface
commencer à apprendre
a piece of clothing worn by men for swimming
commencer à apprendre
having the usual features or qualities of a particular group or thing
commencer à apprendre
happening, done, or existing most of the time or in most situations

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