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question réponse
czy jesteś dobra w
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are you good at
nie jestem dobra w
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I'm no good at
czy możesz
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can you
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how do you
zdecydowanie nie
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definitely not
nie mam pojęcia
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I have no idea
chyba umiem
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i can probably
zdecydowanie umiem
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I can definitely
nie sądze
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I don't think so
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I doubt it
ważne jest
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it's important to
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ig need to
upewnij się że
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Make sure that
nie martw się
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don't worry
spróbuj nie
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try not to
pamiętaj by
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remember to
bedzie dobrze jeśli
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you'll be fine if
dobrym pomysłem jest
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it's a good idea to
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you should
jeśli potrzebujesz pomocy
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if you need help
miło to usłyszeć od ciebie
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good to hear from you
chcialabym żebyś tu była
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wish you were here
obawiam sie ze nie
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no, I'm afraid not
to jest świetne
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that one's brilliant
jak było?
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How was that? what was it like?
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