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pociągnąć (finansowo np.). To manage to survive or narrowly meet all of one's living requirements, despite having limited funds or resources.
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to scrape by
We can scrape by, thanks to what we grow ourselves. When I was in college, I scraped by on what I could earn as a part-time line cook.
To barely succeed or accomplish something by reaching a minimal or base level of acceptability.
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to scrape by
A: "Did you pass the test?" B: "Yeah, I managed to scrape by, but I was hoping to do better."
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to make up for
Here, this should make up for all the money I owe you. Dad said he hoped this trip would make up for all the times he was away.
zwrócić uwagę na, wskazać. Make someone aware of something.
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to point out
I would just like to point out that we need to finish our meeting by 9 o'clock.
(transitive) To ignore or intentionally disregard (something), temporarily or permanently, so that more important things can occupy one's attention.
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to put aside
Let's put our differences aside for the moment, and get this project finished.
(transitive) To save or keep (something) to be used at a later time.
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to put aside
I try to put a few dollars aside each week, just in case I need money in an emergency.
odłożyć na miejsce. (transitive) To put (something) in its usual storage place
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to put away
Please put away the tools when you are finished.

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