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sink your teeth into sth
find a new show to sink your teeth into and fall in love with soon.
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wgryź się w coś zębami
the bottom line is
And the bottom line is that you can always re-watch your favorite show on any number of streaming services.
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sedno jest
By and large
By and large, this is a good solution
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W ogóle
I'm all over the place
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Jestem wszędzie
If anything
If anything you made this decision without consulting me.
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Jeśli cokolwiek
your face was a picture
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Twoja twarz była bardzo zaskoczona
blow the thing off
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zdmuchnąć tę rzecz
my life was a big nosedive since then
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i was a total dork
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hookers looking for a gig
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prostytutki szukające fuchy
sit around and bitch
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siedzieć i narzekać
irrevocably screwed up
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nieodwracalnie zepsute
very notion of
very notion of conservation
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sama idea ochrony
to justify sth
to justify economic greed
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uzasadniać coś
more equipped to handle them
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lepiej przygotowani do radzenia sobie z nimi
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chances were too slim
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szanse były nikłe
final straw was
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ostatnią kroplą było
interest in firearms whatsoever
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jakiekolwiek zainteresowanie bronią palną
overall good mood people have there
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ogólnie ludzie tam mają dobry nastrój
in that regard
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w tym względzie
consuming frenzy
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pochłaniający szał
attuned to the problems
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dostosowany do problemów
detached from life
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oderwany od życia
inflict sth on sb
Rebels say they have inflicted heavy casualties on government forces
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zadawać coś komuś
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given that circumstances
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biorąc pod uwagę okoliczności
This new statement overrides all the previous ones.
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i might have welcomed the challenge
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może przyjąłbym wyzwanie
live on a pretense of the marriage
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żyć pod pozorem małżeństwa
community service
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Praca społeczna
Keeping your composure
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turmoil in emerging markets
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zawirowania na rynkach wschodzących

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