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artysta jednej piosenki/o kimś komu raz coś wielkiego się udało
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a one-hit wonder
kawaler. A person, especially a man, who is socially regarded as able to marry, but has not yet.
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a bachelor
dwoić się i troić, stawać na głowie, wychodzić ze skóry
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to bend over backwards. simple past and past participle: bent
They bent over backwards to make sure everything was just right for the visit.
po przeczeniu: nie mówiąc już o, a co dopiero
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let alone
He couldn't boil water, let alone prepare a dinner for eight. The baby can't even sit up yet, let alone walk! She can't boil potatoes, let alone cook a meal.
być w kropce, znaleźć się w niewygodnej sytuacji
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to be in (a bit of) a jam
I think I'm sort of in a jam this time. I'm in a bit of a jam—I accidentally made plans with two different men tonight! We're in a jam now because the hotel gave our room away!

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