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zsumować To take the sum of; to total.
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to add up
Add up the prices and find out how much it will cost. When they added up the vaccine doses from all known and anticipate sources, they didn't have enough. We ADDED UP the bill to check it was correct.
nagromadzić się, zebrać się do określonej sumy. (intransitive) To accumulate; to amount to.
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to add up to
If you can save even a couple of dollars per day, it will add up to a lot over a year. The total costs ADD UP TO several million euros.
prowadzić do, sprowadzać się do, mieć określony skutek. to have a particular result or effect.
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to add up to
Trains delays are getting worse and with the high fares, it all ADDS UP TO misery for the commuters. All this adds up to trouble. Your long answer just adds up to a refusal.
zgadzać się, trzymać się kupy (być zgodnym z prawdą)
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to add up
It adds up. His story just doesn't add up. Why would he have been at the restaurant the day before the event?
służyć (np. wino mi nie służy). Affect- usually used in the negative to show that something has had a negative effect, especially is it makes you feel bad.
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to agree with
I feel terrible- that food didn't AGREE WITH my stomach. Wine doesn't agree with me.

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