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cecha zaleta walor
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One of the qualities of pure iron is that it does not rust easily. While being impulsive can be great for artists, it is not a desirable quality for engineers.
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He is nasty to everyone.
paskudny wstrętny
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What's that nasty smell? Nasty medicine is difficult to swallow down.
na mocy, z racji, dzięki czemuś. в силу, на основании
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by virtue of
She became a British resident by virtue of her marriage. She succeeded by virtue of hard work rather than talent.
ma się źle, że źle z kimś (jeśli chodzi o zdrowie/o czyjeś sprawy, sytuację). дела обстоят скверно
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to be in a bad way
The economy is in a bad way. My family was in a bad way financially. Things are in a bad way.
niekiedy, czasami
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at times
It can get very cold at times in September. Life is hard at times.
sięgać pamięcią wstecz PV
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to think back to
Sometimes, I think back to my life in Moscow. I thought back to the time when I was living in Toronto.
dać słowo honoru
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give a word of honor
I give you my word of honor that I’ll do it.
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an intestine |ɪnˈtestɪn|. small/large intestine
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to furnish
wyposażenie domu, pomieszczenia. The objects, other than furniture, that occupy an interior space.
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The office had very expensive furnishings.
poręcz przy schodach
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a banister
o ślizganiu się
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to slide. slid, past participle slid or slidden
to slide down - zjeżdżać, ześlizgiwać się w dół. He likes sliding on the ice. He slid the letter into his pocket. - wsunął
oddychać ciężko świszcząc
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to wheeze
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a beehive |ˈbiːhaɪv|

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