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na obrazku widzę
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In the picture I can see
jest, znajduje się/sa
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there is/are
obrazek przedstawia
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the picture shows presents
na pierwszym planie/drugim planie
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in the foreground/background
na srodku obrazka
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in the middle of the picture
po lewej/prawej stronie
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on the left / right
na gorze na dole
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at the top at the bottom
w lewym gornym rogu
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in the top left-hand corner
wydaje mi sie ze
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it seems to me that
odnosze wrazenie ze
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I get the impression that
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I suppose i guess
sprawia wrazenie (kogos niezwyklego interesujacego)
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she comes across as (somebody unsual interesting)
sadzac po wyrazie jego twarzy
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judging from his face
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opierajac sie na powiedzialabym ze jest
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based on I’d say its
wnioskujac z... nie sadze
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judging by... I don't think
wyglada jakby
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it looks / seems as if
wydaje sie /nie wydaje byc
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it appears /doesn't appear to be
mozliwe ze jest
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the chances are (that) its
najwyrazniej (jest tu jakis problem/cos tu nie tak
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clearly (there is a problem/something is wrong)
(sadzac po wyrazie jego twarzy) to oczywiste/jasne
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it's obvious/clear (from the expression on his face) that
zdecydowanie/ z pewnoscia nie jest
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it is definitely/certainly not
trudno miec pewnosc czy
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it's hard to be sure
nie jest latwo stwierdzic czy
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it is not easy to say
nie jestem w stanie powiedziec czy
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I can't really tell

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