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ugruntować (spowodować aby coś (ktoś) stało (stał) się powszechnie znane i akceptowane) commencer à apprendre
The company has established itself as a leader in the industry. The film established her as a star. The sonnets established his reputation as a gifted poet.
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It's our job to establish the cause of the fire. to establish a pattern. Establishing the new budget. to establish contact with - nawiązać kontakt
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Our company was established in 1980
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Establishing the new budget is of paramount importance. paramount necessity
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When going to the mountains, always take snake-bite serum with you. blood serum
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We've developed a new method for measuring cholesterol levels
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She kept both the duplicate and the original. Don't worry, I have a duplicate key.
ktoś przebywający w zamknięciu (więzieniu, klasztorze, szpitalu) commencer à apprendre
They isolated the political prisoners from the other inmates.
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Jane's in the bath tub, she can't answer the phone.
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An abstract concept. It's very difficult to define abstract concepts, such as truth or beauty.
sposób postępowania, plan działania commencer à apprendre
The wisest course of action would be to leave. In borderline cases like these, the best course of action is difficult to determine.
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The company had to declare bankruptcy. The factory had been driven into bankruptcy.? The world-wide bankruptcy of car producers.