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question English réponse English
examine the problem
commencer à apprendre
look into
return the money
commencer à apprendre
pay sb back
resemble our father
commencer à apprendre
take after
examine the receipts
commencer à apprendre
go through
establish buisness
commencer à apprendre
set up
commencer à apprendre
turn down
find bargains
commencer à apprendre
hunt down
commencer à apprendre
come into
commencer à apprendre
pick up
take care of
commencer à apprendre
look after
give sth for free
commencer à apprendre
give away
become popular
commencer à apprendre
catch on
find sth by chance
commencer à apprendre
come across
gradually disappear
commencer à apprendre
Wear off
commencer à apprendre
give out
get rid of
commencer à apprendre
throw out
begin at a prticular time in the past
commencer à apprendre
dates back to

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